
vertical leadership development

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Thriving in a VUCA World: Why Vertical Leadership Development is Key

In today’s world, we as business leaders face challenges that the best practices of management theory and even the best Ivy League business schools…

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My brain is plastic – yours too!

When I was younger, I was taught that our brains stopped developing at the age of 25. It was believed that the brain had…

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Why We Need Inner Development to Navigate and Catalyze Outer Change

Today’s world is often described as VUCA—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The acronym captures the unpredictability of modern life, where everything from climate change…

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The power of Executive Presence

Have you ever considered what makes you want to follow one leader but not another? In its essence, it boils down to that person’s…

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Growing vertically as a leader enables Better Business

Have you heard about Vertical Leadership Development? It goes beyond traditional executive coaching methods and traditional leadership education – and focuses on expanding your…

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