Back from the Strategyzer Bootcamp for Business Model Innovation Coaches

The world we live in is experiencing accelerating change. Hence, what took us here may not be what is taking us into the future. With that insight, we have a very strong focus on constantly upgrading our own knowledge to provide the best possible value to our clients. Today and tomorrow.

This time I personally took the opportunity to participate in a five day Strategyzer Coaching Bootcamp in Switzerland to gain even deeper knowledge and expertise in coaching clients in Business Model Innovation and Value Proposition Design. A bootcamp arranged by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, and with Steve Blank, Rita McGrath and several other stellar innovation and lean start up profiles on the team.

It was an extremely intense week with focus on coaching, business model innovation, value proposition design, design thinking, lean startup, testing, culture and visualization. All in all we were 32 highly qualified participants from 15 countries from Europe and the US. Half of the coaches represented large companies and the other half represented professional services/consultancies with focus on helping large companies reinvent their approach to innovation and business model design.


Let us know if you are interested in hearing more about how we can help you and your team use the Business Model Innovation and Value Proposition Design methodologies.




About the author

Elisabet Lagerstedt

Elisabet Lagerstedt

Elisabet Lagerstedt is the founder and director of Future Navigators. As a trusted advisor, consultant, and Executive Coach, she helps business leaders navigate beyond business as usual to build Better Business and co-create a better future - through insight, strategy, innovation, and transformation. Elisabet is also the author of Better Business, Better Future (2022) and Navigera in i Framtiden (2018).